KLA 2012-13
Keeping You Up to Date
All participants will receive a copy of The Instructional Leaders Guide to Strategic Conversations by Robyn Jackson and Talk About Teaching: Leading Professional Conversations by Charlotte Danielson
Our focus for 2012-13 will be: (see schedule below)
Preparing for the Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System
During the 2013/14 school year all districts will be expected to pilot the TPGES. You can begin preparing your staff for the changes by refining some of your current processes. Developing Administrative Skills to support the processes that will expected in the system will enable your district/school to be better prepared. Focus will be on the following skills: Goal Setting, Evidence Based documentation and Creating Effective Assessment Systems. Each skill can be refined and used within your current systems.
Professional Learning Communities:
Follow the work cycle of PLCs during this segment of KLA from organizing them at the beginning of the year to analyzing their effectiveness at the end. The session will be differentiated to support different levels of implementation – from setting up or refocusing the work of your PLCs to refining the work through introduction to a variety of protocols as well as trouble shooting specific problems identified by the group. Hear from schools that are successfully implementing PLCs. Implementing PLCs was the greatest need identified by last year’s participants.
Preparing for the Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System: Quality Conversations
Principals who have used Charlotte Danielson’s Framework with teachers have reported that their conferences with teachers have become more focused and collaborative. Using the framework will open the lines of communication between administrators and teachers. As we move towards implementing the Danielson framework for our new Effectiveness system, principals will need to perfect their conferencing skills. They will need to be ready to provide differentiated feedback, to coach, and provide resources. They will also need to be ready to sometimes have the tough conversations. This session will involve a book study around The Instructional Leader’s Guide to Strategic Conversations with Teachers by Robyn Jackson as well as Talk about Teaching by Charlotte Danielson. You will learn how to identify different types of teachers and then match your feedback and conversational style to that teacher. Focus will be on moving evaluation conferences to a coaching model.
State Updates
Part of each day will be spent on updates from the state. Focus will be on implementing Math and ELA changes as well as further introduction to the Teacher Professional Growth Effectiveness System. Specifics will be shared by Content Specialists as well as members of the IDT team working on the TPGES.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System
9:15 - 10:15 |
Setting the stage for TPGES – Understanding the changes coming in the evaluation system. |
Introduction to the Charlotte Danielson framework – Learning about the common language to be used in evaluation. |
Using Evidence Based Documentation
In your current evaluation system to prepare your teachers for observation in TPGES |
Practicing Observation using the Charlotte Danielson Framework |
Preparing for Teacher Effectiveness: Quality Conversations
10 - 11:30 |
Establishing a Climate for Professional Conversations.
I can develop a plan for establishing a climate for highly productive professional conversation in my school or district.
- Critical attributes of leadership and/or school climate that promote productive instructional conversations?
- Specific strategies to ensure these characteristics exist.
Assessing the Instructional Needs of Teachers
I can analyze and describe the strengths and needs of my instructional staff and match those needs with appropriate conversational strategies.
- Describe your staff in terms of their skill and motivation.
- Tailor your leadership and conversational strategies to meet the needs of your staff.
Ideas and Topics that Shape Professional Conversations
I can demonstrate my understanding of the big ideas and topics that guide instructional conversations by framing questions and/or by creating an activity for my staff to prompt discussions of important instructional ideas and topics.
- Understandings about learning and learners underpin instructional conversations.
- Topics to focus instructional conversations
Conversational Skills and Strategies
I can analyze instructional conversations and develop questions and strategies to facilitate productive conversations and instructional improvement.
- Describe an effective instructional conversation
- Identify questioning & other conversational strategies that prompt honest analysis of instruction and lead instructional improvement.
11:30 – 12:45 |
Professional Learning Communities
12:45-1:45 |
I can analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the PLCs within my building/district and identify ways that I can support them to make the next steps.
- Common “definition”
- Analysis of current PLCs within buildings/district
- Organizing for Success – What structures are needed
I can set up structures that will enable teachers to effectively use data to determine needs, set goals and identify the needed work for their PLCs.
- Determining the types of data that PLCs will use
- Determining the work of the PLC – what is the role of the administrator?
- Making the connection between PLCs and CSIP
I can build capacity with my teachers so that they can work together effectively and efficiently.
- Processes that support collaboration within teacher teams
- Protocols – What, Why, & How?
I can add to my repertoire of strategies for building the capacity of teachers to work together as a team, problem solve and deal professionally with each other.
- What about the ineffective team?
- Problem solving with teachers to improve their team’s effectiveness
State Updates
1:45-3:15 |
Digging Deeper: MDC or LDCs in the classroom
Content specialists come– Provide examples, share ways to plan for, introduce/support implementation |
Principal Effectiveness System |
Digging Deeper with the Teacher Professional Growth Effectiveness System (TPGES)
-Observation |