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Stay abreast of the latest laws and guidelines school administrators must follow when dealing with personnel issues.

Personnel 911

The short-term outlook for school funding in Kentucky is both pessimistic and challenging. Given that reality, local school leaders are faced with daunting decisions regarding staffing for the 2011-12 school year. Compliance with statutory requirements for personnel and salary decisions is an absolute necessity.

This three-hour web-based workshop will walk participants through the statutory framework for making personnel decisions for the upcoming school year. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to submit questions and issues for real-time response.

More Information/Registration

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Wayne Young, Executive Director, General Counsel
Rhonda Caldwell, Deputy Director
Clyde Caudill, Legislative Liaison
Wanda Darland, Web, Publications, & Affiliate Services Coordinator
Shirley LaFavers, Director of Professional Development

Kentucky Department of Education logo

Kentucky - Unbridled Spirit AASA logo

152 Consumer Lane
Frankfort, KY 40601
(800) 928-KASA or
(502) 875-3411

Fax (502) 875-4634