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2011 Kentucky Superintendent
of the Year Program
by providing a $2,500 scholarship to a
Daviess County
High School Senior.


Dr. Tom Shelton Awarded Kentucky Superintendent of the Year


Daviess County Superintendent Dr. Tom Shelton never dreamed he would win this award; he never dreamed he would even become a superintendent.

As the 2010 Kentucky Superintendent of the Year, Shelton is being lauded for his distinct leadership style, financial expertise, and state leadership. But Shelton, a former director of business and operations for Daviess County Schools, said he originally intended to bridge from school finance to industry.

After receiving alternative superintendent certification as a fall-back plan at the suggestion of his superintendent Stu Silberman, Shelton was selected to serve as assistant superintendent.

“All my years in industry I wondered if what I did really mattered, but once I got into the assistant superintendent role, I knew that we did every day mattered and that we could make a big difference in kids’ lives,” Shelton said.

Shelton has transformed from a financial expert into an educator and a public servant. The president of the Council for Better Education and chair of the Local Superintendents’ Advisory Council, Shelton has also provided school finance training to new Kentucky superintendents and to members of several statewide education associations, including KASA, KASS, and KSBA.

A veteran student himself, Shelton earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting, master’s degree in business administration, and Rank I in educational administration, all from Murray State University. He also earned his doctorate degree in educational leadership from the University of Louisville this year, and has also conducted post-graduate studies at Harvard University as part of the Executive Educational Leadership Program.

“Tom’s growth and accomplishments as a superintendent have simply been amazing to watch. Coming from a nontraditional career path, he devoted himself to sharpening his own skills, and then to providing tireless and visionary leadership to his district. The district was already doing a lot of things right when he became superintendent; he has continued those things, and built upon them. He is well-deserving of this honor” said KASA Executive Director Wayne Young.

Shelton was selected by a statewide blue ribbon judging panel comprised of active or retired school administrators, state board members, and university professors based on this year’s criteria: Leadership for Learning strategy, communication with district constituents, professionalism, and community involvement.

“The thing that made him stand apart from all the others that were nominated is his willingness to take on the state leadership roles,” panelist and retired superintendent Roger Marcum said.

“And I say ‘a willingness’ because many feel their obligations to their district keep them from taking on those state leadership roles, but Tom has always been willing when he’s been called upon to take on those roles,” Marcum said.

Shelton said winning the Superintendent of the Year award has made him realize the impact he can have as a mentor to young leaders in Kentucky and the responsibility he has to continue working to further educational strides in the commonwealth.

Even though Shelton said he never intended to work in schools, he loves the work that he does each day for kids in Daviess County and all over Kentucky.

“This was never a career aspiration of mine, but I think you have to see what the plan is that’s laid out in front of you and then see where your place is in it,” Shelton said.

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Wayne Young, Executive Director, General Counsel
Rhonda Caldwell, Deputy Director
Clyde Caudill, Legislative Liaison
Wanda Darland, Web, Publications, & Affiliate Services Coordinator
Shirley LaFavers, Director of Professional Development

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