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2011 Fred Award Finalists


Stacy Kimmel is relied upon daily for what needs doing, no matter how big or small the task. In addition to her duties as a bus driver for Whitesville Elementary, Stacy might spend a normal day delivering a forgotten book or lunchbox to its owner, collecting items for an upcoming festival, taking part in a local fundraiser, and providing support for a family in need.  At Christmas time, she takes more than her fair share of secret angels so that no one gets left out. Stacy is more than a bus driver; she is a living example of the joy that selflessness can bring to a community.

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Wayne Young, Executive Director, General Counsel
Rhonda Caldwell, Deputy Director
Clyde Caudill, Legislative Liaison
Wanda Darland, Web, Publications, & Affiliate Services Coordinator
Shirley LaFavers, Director of Professional Development

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Frankfort, KY 40601
(800) 928-KASA or
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