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Fred Finalist - Brad Phelps


Brad Phelps embodies the Fred spirit.  Students at T.C. Cherry Elementary begin and end each day with smiles from Mr. Brad (Phelps), the school custodian.  Phelps greets the students and staff each morning and finds ways to make a difference in their lives.  He believes in the school’s student-friendly culture and takes on extra responsibilities to make sure the day runs smoothly. 

While quietly going about his custodial duties, Phelps takes time to connect with students who are struggling. Through encouragement, laughter, listening and mentoring, Phelps reaches many.  He makes students feel important.

Teachers consider Phelps a mentor and important man to the entire school family.  “He makes the first move to help,” said Principal Judy Whitson.  Phelps is the only employee in the school district to receive the Beyond the Call award multiple times in the same school year.

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